New utility aligning our token DVF to the growth of the DeFi ecosystem

The rise of decentralized finance, or DeFi, has been nothing short of a revolution. The concept of a financial system built on trustless, decentralised protocols has captured the imagination of millions of people around the world, and the explosive growth of the DeFi ecosystem in 2022 is a testament to its potential.

At, we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution. As a DeFi aggregator, committed to providing our users with access to the best opportunities, we believe that our platform is the gateway to all the innovations exploding across the space.

Token prices have bounced back, and 2022’s key trends of real world assets (RWAs), re-staking, and Layer 2s are hotting up. We’ve just launched our bridge to zkSync, and we’re about to launch on Polygon’s new zkEVM so you can access the hottest Layer 2s. We’ve also launched cross-chain yield, bringing you Stargate USDT right here on Ethereum. 

But that’s just the beginning. We’ve been building busily throughout the bear market, so you can be ready for the next DeFi summer. We’re committed to providing our users with:

  • Access to the best yield opportunities across the space.

  • A fast, efficient, and secure platform for putting your funds to work, without breaking a sweat.

  • Order-book trading and swapping covering 95% of DeFi tokens.

  • Super-fast bridging to Layer 2s.

  • All gas-free, with casual privacy and self-custodial ownership, giving our users complete control over their assets.

But that’s not all. We also have a token, DVF, that’s playing a fundamental role in our future. As our ecosystem grows, we want our community to have exclusive benefits to help them maximise their portfolios.

As a DVF token holder, you’ll soon gain access to a range of exclusive benefits:

  • Free bridging service to explore new frontiers quickly.
  • Extra referral scheme rewards for sharing the benefits of
  • Access to gated yield opportunities to boost your earnings on the top yield tokens like stETH, USDC, and USDT.
  • Eligibility for exclusive future airdrops from partners and

At , we’re built on Starkware’s StarkEx rollup and with over 110,000 registered accounts, we have a track record of delivering on our promises. So you can trust us to provide you with the best opportunities and benefits.

So why wait? Forget CEXs, we’re your gateway to all Layer 2s and opportunities, and we’re ready to help you make the most of your DeFi investments.

Deposit to today to join the mission and experience the power of DeFi like never before.

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Today, are announcing our intention to remove all DVF from the market. We are grateful to our incredible small community of DVF holders who

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