We are pleased to announce the completion of our data migration from AWS cloud to dedicated bare-metal servers.
Following a scheduled period of downtime, Bitfinex and Ethfinex are now fully accessible and open for trading, with customers immediately benefiting from increased speed and advanced security:
- Increased Speed
Thanks to the use of carefully selected, dedicated hardware and new order submission gateways, performance will be up to 2x faster, dependent on how far traders’ servers are located from the new datacenter.
Plus, in a market leading model facilitated by Market Synergy, Bitfinex and Ethfinex will now offer cross-connectivity and co-location to professional trading companies, giving much faster access and increasing speed from 60-100ms to 5-15ms. (The FIX feed or ISP link to Bitfinex’s digital asset gateway is for professional traders and institutional firms. For further information, please contact [email protected]).
2. Advanced Security
Bitfinex and Ethfinex already have the most security features in place of any exchange, including 2FA, IP and address whitelisting, withdrawal locking, in addition to a series of confirmation steps for all actions on site. These dedicated bare-metal servers will be inherently more secure, being self-hosted and running on dedicated custom hardware as opposed to cloud-based and reliant on a third-party service.
Having complete control of our core infrastructure also enables iFinex to control the exact scope and timing of all future hardware and software upgrades, which is particularly significant in a borderless and 24/7 industry.
Additionally, through Market Synergy operations, the servers will be video and movement surveilled 24/7 with military grade access to the datacenter.
We would like to thank Market Synergy for aiding a smooth transition, but most of all thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope you enjoy your new and improved trading experience. This is just the first step in making Bitfinex and Ethfinex the fastest and most advanced exchanges in the industry, with further developments scheduled throughout 2019.
The Ethfinex Team
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