
Thank you for choosing rhino.fi (the “Site”). The following terms and conditions of service (these “Terms of Service”) apply to customers of the Site. You should read these Terms of Service carefully to determine which provisions apply to you. By using any of the services, functions, or features offered from time to time on the Site (collectively or individually, the “Services”), the customer (referred to herein as “you” or “your”) agrees to these Terms of Service.

These Terms of Service constitute the agreement and understanding with respect to the use of any or all of the Services, and any manner of accessing them, between you and Liquidity Labs Holdings Limited (“LLH”). For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms of Service have two parties: you and LLH. Any and all terms, conditions, licences, limitations, and obligations contained within and on the Site are incorporated into these Terms by reference, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following Site policies and pages: the Privacy Policy; the Risk Disclosure Statement; the Anti-Spam Policy; theLaw Enforcement Requests Policy; and, the Fees Schedule. In particular, please note that all transactions of Digital Tokens on or off the Site may be subject to fees levied by LLH as set out and updated in the Fees Schedule from time to time. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms of Service and any other pages or policies on the Site, these Terms of Service shall prevail.

By connecting your Ethereum wallet to the Site or by using any of the Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and completely agree to these Terms of Service in effect from time to time. If you disagree with these Terms of Service or with any subsequent amendments, changes, or updates, you may not use any of the Services; your only recourse in the case of disagreement is to stop using all of the Services. These Terms of Service may be amended, changed, or updated by LLH at any time and without prior notice to you. You should check back often to confirm that your copy and understanding of these Terms of Service is current and correct. Your non-termination or continued use of any Services after the effective date of any amendments, changes, or updates constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Service, as modified by such amendments, changes, or updates.

The use of the Site and any Services is void where prohibited by applicable law.

  • 1. Interpretation:
    • 1.1. Definitions: In these Terms of Service and all documents incorporated herein by reference, the following words have the following meanings unless otherwise indicated:
      • 1.1.1. “AML” means anti-money laundering;
      • 1.1.2. “Associates” means LLH and each and every one of their respective shareholders, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, agents, directors, officers, partners, affiliates, insurers, and attorneys;
      • 1.1.3. “LLH Marks” has the meaning set out in paragraph 14 of these Terms of Service;
      • 1.1.4. “Digital Tokens” means blockchain-based assets or rights, or other similar digital representations of rights or assets;
      • 1.1.5. “LLH” means Liquidity Labs Holdings Limited;
      • 1.1.6. “Losses” has the meaning set out in paragraph 18 of these Terms of Service;
      • 1.1.7. “Person” includes an individual, association, partnership, corporation, other body corporate, trust, and any form of legal organization or entity;
      • 1.1.8. “Personal Information” means information about an identifiable individual, business, organization, or other entity, but does not include the name, title, business address, or telephone number of an employee of a business, organization, or other entity;
      • 1.1.9. “Prohibited Jurisdictions” means Bosnia and Herzegovina; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea); Ethiopia; Iran; Iraq; Syria; Uganda; Vanuatu; and, Yemen;
      • 1.1.10. “Prohibited Use” has the meaning set out in paragraph 12 of these Terms of Service;
      • 1.1.11. “Service” means any of the services, functions, or features offered on the Site including a service provided by third parties;
      • 1.1.12. “Site” means the Internet website www.rhino.fi;
      • 1.1.13. “Terms of Service” means these terms and conditions of service, as they may be changed, amended, or updated from time to time, including the following Site policies and pages: the Privacy Policy; the Risk Disclosure Statement; the Anti-Spam Policy; and, the Law Enforcement Requests Policy;
      • 1.1.14. “Trading Order Book” has the meaning set out in paragraph 3 of these Terms of Service;
      • 1.1.15. “U.S. Person” means:
        • in the case of an individual, a Person resident in the United States; and,
        • in any other case,
          • a Person resident in the United States; or,
          • a Person owned 10% or more by one or more Persons resident in the United States or by one or more corporations or entities incorporated in or formed in the United States; and,
      • 1.1.16 “you” or “your” means the customer.
    • 1.2 Headings: The headings and sub-headings in these Terms of Service are for ease of reference only and are not to be taken into account in the construction or interpretation of any provision or provisions to which they refer.
    • 1.3 Extended Meanings: Unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Service, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing gender include all genders.
    • 1.4 Governing Law: These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands, and shall be interpreted in all respects as a British Virgin Islands contract. Any claim or action arising from or related to these Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands. For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this provision expressly applies to any tort claim against LLH. The venue and forum for any claim or action against or involving LLH shall be in the British Virgin Islands. You unconditionally attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the British Virgin Islands and all courts competent to hear appeals therefrom. You also unconditionally agree to the exclusive forum and venue of the British Virgin Islands in all claims or actions arising from or any dispute or question of any kind relating to these Terms of Service. The doctrine of forum non conveniens shall not apply in the selection of forum under these Terms of Service.
  • 2 Licence to Use the Site: If you comply with these Terms of Service, LLH grants you the limited right to use the Site and the Services. The right to use the Site and the Services is a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited licence, and it is subject to the limitations and obligations in these Terms of Service. Nothing in these Terms of Service gives you any licence (other than as set out in this paragraph), right, title, or ownership of, in, or to the Site or any of the Services.
  • 3 Trading Activities: The Site is a trading, and information environment for the spot purchase and sale of Digital Tokens. Important: The following persons are prohibited from depositing to, withdrawing from, or trading on the Site:
    • 3.1 persons resident in, and nationals of, Prohibited Jurisdictions;
    • 3.2 U.S. Persons.
  • 4 Risks and Limitation of Liability: Important: This paragraph is in addition to the theRisk Disclosure Statement. Trading markets are volatile and shift quickly in terms of liquidity, market depth, and trading dynamics. You are solely responsible and liable: for any and all trading and non-trading activity on the Site and for your account on the Site; and, for knowing the true status of any position or contract with any other party on the Site, even if presented incorrectly by the Site at any time. You acknowledge and agree: to be fully responsible and liable for your trading and non-trading actions and inactions on the Site and all gains and losses sustained from your use of the Site and any of the Services; to be responsible for any negative balance in your account(s) on the Site; to be fully responsible for safeguarding access to, and any information provided through, the Site and any of the Services, including, but not limited to, private keys, usernames, passwords, and bank account details.

    There is no guarantee against losses on the Site.

  • 5 Agency and Settlement: LLH may act as principal, counterparty, or market-maker in the transactions effected through trading on LLH. LLH may partner with third parties to settle transactions effected through trading on the Site.
  • 6 Prohibited Uses: You may not:
    • 6.1 use the Site or any Services in order to disguise the proceeds of, or to further, any breach of applicable laws or regulations, or to deal in any contraband Digital Tokens, funds, or proceeds;
    • 6.2 trade or use any Services, with anything other than funds, keys, or Digital Tokens that have been legally obtained by you and that belong to you;
    • 6.3 use the Site or any Services to interfere with or subvert the rights or obligations of LLH or the rights or obligations of any other Site customer or any other third party;
    • 6.4 trade using inaccurate information presented by the Site or by LLH or take advantage of any technical glitch, malfunction, failure, delay, default, or security breach;
    • 6.5 use the Site or any Services to engage in conduct that is detrimental to LLH or to any other Site customer or any other third party;
    • 6.6 falsify any account registration details provided to LLH;
    • 6.7 falsify or materially omit any information or provide misleading information requested by LLH, including at registration;
    • 6.8 reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble any software running on the Site;
    • 6.9 attempt to harm LLH or any third party through your access to the Site or any Services, except that nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed as limiting your free speech rights under applicable law;
    • 6.10 where you are a resident or national of a Prohibited Jurisdiction or a U.S. Person, access the Site or any Services using any virtual private network, proxy service, or any other third party service, network, or product with the intent of disguising your IP address or location; or,
    • 6.11 violate these Terms of Service. Any use as described in this paragraph shall constitute a “Prohibited Use”. If LLH determines that you have engaged in any Prohibited Use, LLH may address such Prohibited Use through an appropriate sanction, in its sole and absolute discretion. Such sanction may include, but is not limited to, making a report to law enforcement or other authorities; confiscation of any Digital Tokens that you have on the Site; and, terminating your access to any Services. LLH may, at its sole and absolute discretion, seize and hand over your property to law enforcement or other authorities where circumstances warrant.
  • 7 Intellectual Property: “LLH” and the LLH logos, trade names, word marks, and design marks (the “LLH Marks”) are trademarks of LLH. You agree not to appropriate, copy, display, or use the LLH Marks or other content without express, prior, written permission to do so. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on LLH are © Liquidity Labs Holdings Limited
  • 8 Your Representations & Warranties: You represent and warrant to LLH as follows:
    • 8.1 that, if you are an individual customer, you are 18 years of age or older and that you have the capacity to contract under applicable law;
    • 8.2 that, if you are not an individual customer, you have the requisite power and authority to sign and enter into binding agreements for and on behalf of the customer;
    • 8.3 that you understand the risks associated with using the Site, that you are not barred from using the Site by paragraph 3 of these Terms, and that you are not otherwise prohibited by applicable law from using the Site;
    • 8.4 that you will not use the Site or any Services in order to disguise the proceeds of, or to further, any breach of applicable laws or regulations, or to deal in any contraband Digital Tokens or proceeds;
    • 8.5 that you will not trade on the Site or use any Services with anything other than funds or Digital Tokens that have been legally obtained by you and that belong to you;
    • 8.6 that you will not falsify any account registration details provided to LLH;
    • 8.7 that you will not falsify or materially omit any information or provide misleading information requested by LLH in the course of, directly or indirectly relating to, or arising from your activities on the Site or use of any Services, including at registration;
    • 8.8 that any trading or other instructions received or undertaken through your login credentials or from your authorized e-mail address on file with LLH are deemed to be valid, binding, and conclusive, and that LLH may act upon those instructions without any liability or responsibility attaching to it; and,
    • 8.9 that you will fairly and promptly report all income associated with your activity on the Site pursuant to applicable law and pay any and all taxes exigible thereon.
  • 9 No Representations & Warranties by LLH: LLH makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees to you of any kind. The Site and the Services are offered strictly on an as-is, where-is basis and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, are offered without any representation as to merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
  • 10 No Advice: LLH does not provide any investment advice or advice on trading techniques, models, algorithms, or any other schemes.
  • 11 Limitation of Liability & Release: Important: Except as may be provided for in these Terms of Service, LLH assumes no liability or responsibility for and shall have no liability or responsibility for any claim, application, loss, injury, delay, accident, cost, business interruption costs, or any other expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees or the costs of any claim or suit), nor for any incidental, direct, indirect, general, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages, loss of goodwill or business profits, work stoppage, data loss, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial losses (collectively, referred to herein as “Losses”) directly or indirectly arising out of or related to:
    • 11.1 these Terms of Service;
    • 11.2 the Site, and your use of it;
    • 11.3 the Services, and your use of any of them;
    • 11.4 the real or perceived value of any currencies or Digital Tokens traded on the Site, or the price of any Digital Token displayed on the Site at any time;
    • 11.5 any inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete statement by LLH or on the Site regarding your account, whether caused by LLH’s negligence or otherwise;
    • 11.6 any failure, delay, malfunction, interruption, or decision (including any decision by LLH to vary or interfere with your rights) by LLH in operating the Site or providing any Service;
    • 11.7 any stolen, lost, or unauthorized use of your account information any breach of security or data breach related to your account information, or any criminal or other third party act affecting LLH or any Associate; or,
    • 11.8 any offer, representation, suggestion, statement, or claim made about LLH, the Site, or any Service by any Associate. You hereby agree to release the Associates from liability for any and all Losses, and you shall indemnify and save and hold the Associates harmless from and against all Losses. The foregoing limitations of liability shall apply whether the alleged liability or Losses are based on contract, negligence, tort, unjust enrichment, strict liability, or any other basis, even if the Associates have been advised of or should have known of the possibility of such losses and damages, and without regard to the success or effectiveness of any other remedies.
  • 12 No Waiver: Any failure by LLH to exercise any of its respective rights, powers, or remedies under these Terms of Service, or any delay by LLH in doing so, does not constitute a waiver of any such right, power, or remedy. The single or partial exercise of any right, power, or remedy by LLH does not prevent either from exercising any other rights, powers, or remedies.
  • 13 Force Majeure: LLH is not responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform undertakings under these Terms of Service when the delay or failure is due to an epidemic; pandemic; public health emergency fires; strikes; floods; power outages or failures; acts of God or the state’s enemies; lawful acts of public authorities; any and all market movements, shifts, or volatility; computer, server, or Internet malfunctions; security breaches or cyberattacks; criminal acts; delays or defaults caused by common carriers; acts or omissions of third parties; or, any other delays, defaults, failures or interruptions that cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. In the event of force majeure, LLH is excused from any and all performance obligations and these Terms of Service shall be fully and conclusively at an end.
  • 14 Assignment: These Terms of Service, and any of the rights, duties, and obligations contained herein, are not assignable by you without prior written consent of LLH. These Terms of Service, and any of the rights, duties, and obligations contained herein, are freely assignable by LLH without notice or your consent. Any attempt by you to assign these Terms of Service without written consent is void.
  • 15 Severability: If any provision of these Terms of Service, as amended from time to time, is determined to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity, voidness, or unenforceability attaches only to such provision and everything else in these Terms of Service continues in full force and effect.

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