Today DeversiFi becomes the first multi-chain platform to bring you all the best DeFi opportunities in one place.

We’ve already pioneered the development of instant, gas-free trading on Ethereum layer 2. Now, as (pronounced rhi-no-fy), we want to unlock the full potential of multi-chain and allow the next million users to enjoy everything DeFi has to offer, through a UX that matches the consumer apps we all use everyday.

Up to now, multi-chain projects have been clunky and costly. To move from one ecosystem to the next, you had to put your funds in third-party bridges, open new wallets on each chain, pay gas in native assets and fork out extra network fees on top. smashes through these limitations. 

Our new platform allows you to swap hundreds of tokens cross-chain, friction-free: no front-end bridges, no switching networks, no need to hold native tokens and no pesky fees every time you want to jump to a new chain.

We’ve aggregated a whole bunch of yield opportunities, too, so now you can move seamlessly between active and passive income, and manage your entire portfolio from a single control centre.

Our new design is as easy as using a big centralised exchange — but with the privacy and agility of layer 2. So you’ll retain full custody of your tokens no matter which chain you access, and you won’t pay gas on any opportunity you seize.

And this is just the start of our transformation.


We’ve launched our cross-chain swaps feature with Polygon, and soon we’ll add further chains like Avalanche, Optimism and Arbitrum. We’ll introduce new passive-income opportunities too, and reach into ecosystems like Cosmos and Polkadot.

In the process, we’ll give DeFi a platform to seize its moment.

With inflation running riot and interest rates squeezing ever tighter, DeFi can help millions of people achieve financial freedom. It’s not just a haven for the present — it can provide the key to a financial future that’s fair, free and universal.

But if we want to achieve this vision, we need to tear down the barriers that have blocked mass adoption so far. It’s no good for opportunities to be scattered across different chains; we need all of them to be reachable from one place.

This is what we’ve been building for the last few months. We loved being a pure-play exchange, but we needed to become something more. 

A gateway to DeFi, where you don’t have to go out and find the best opportunities – they’re there waiting for you.

This didn’t just require a total overhaul of our app and website. It also required a new name.

A name that’s as unique and memorable as the opportunity we’re providing, and captures the essence of our team and our project. A name that’s punchy, catchy and audacious… and lends itself to some badass visuals too.

We kicked a million and one ideas around, and then it hit us. Rhino.

There are loads of reasons why the rhino fits our mission, but here are some of the most obvious ones.

  1. Rhino is old English slang for ‘cash’. 17th-century Brits would use Rhino as shorthand for money. We think it’s time to bring it back.
  2. Rhinos have a thick skin. We enable you to build a digital portfolio that’s rough, tough and ready. You can blend killer trades and long-term passive income, and if we ever went offline for any reason, you could get your funds back reliably and securely.
  3. Rhinos move fast. Remarkably, a rhino can reach a top speed of 30mph (48kph) – which is faster than Usain Bolt. As a lean, agile DeFi project, we like to think we seize opportunities pretty quickly ourselves.
  4. Rhinos make a crash. The collective noun for a group of rhinos is actually a crash, and we love making a crash ourselves. We’re not just changing the DeFi game: we’re busting it wide open.

Above all, rhinos are famous for charging into uncertainty. And we like to think we’re doing the same.

The fiat world is a crazy place right now, and this has had a ripple effect in the crypto market. As our founder Will Harborne noted recently, it’s a Noah’s Ark moment for DeFi. A period when the flakier projects will melt away and only the truly committed will survive.

But we don’t see this as a threat: we think it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to launch a better kind of product, one that delivers what DeFi was always intended to be, and allows millions of people to enjoy blockchain-based finance.

This is the future we’re charging towards. Ready to join the stampede?

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