Last-Chance AMPL Token Sale Final Instructions & Trading Details

There are now less than 24 hours until the last-chance Ampleforth token sale opens on Tokinex and is subsequently listed on Bitfinex & Ethfinex for trading.

Following on from the successful sale on the 13th June, which sold out in just 11 seconds, Ampleforth have made an additional 100k AMPL tokens available in a ‘last chance’ token sale. This is to ensure that early supporters of the Ampleforth project have an extra opportunity to participate before AMPL is listed for trading on Ethfinex & Bitfinex shortly after the sale completes.

If you successfully completed BlockPass verification and did not contribute to the sale on the 13th June, you are eligible to participate tomorrow. There is still time to proceed through Blockpass here, but we recommend you act quickly for the best possible chance of obtaining verification in time.

An example walkthrough video has been created to give you an idea of what to expect when the sale opens. Please note that following feedback from the sale on the 13th June, the contribution process has been slightly modified from steps seen in the video.

Please make yourselves familiar with the following steps in advance of the sale opening at 09:00 UTC:

  1. IN ADVANCE – Make sure you have BTC in your Bitfinex or Ethfinex exchange wallet (not your margin or funding wallet). Contributions for Amples will be in Bitcoin and taken from exchange wallets only.
  2. Please re-login to the Tokinex page within 20 minutes prior to the sale start time. This will ensure that your session does not expire during the token sale itself (which would force you to login to Tokinex again)
  3. When the sale opens you will need to refresh the Tokinex Ampleforth page to see the activated contribute button
  4. You will first be asked to download the Ampleforth purchase agreement and give permission for your KYC & AML details to be shared with the Ampleforth Foundation.
  5. In the next step you will be asked  how much BTC you would like to  contribute to the sale. You can contribute any amount between the min and max individual cap.
  6. If the sale has already completed by this point you will receive an error message and will not be able to contribute.
  7. If successful you will see confirmation of your contribution and BTC will be deducted from your exchange wallet. The corresponding Amples will be deposited to your exchange wallet within two hours.
  8. If the sale the hard cap has not been reached, you will have the opportunity to top up your contribution if you have not already reached your individual max cap.
  9. Your total BTC contribution amount will be shown on the Tokinex Ampleforth page, viewable by you only.

Additional Details

  • AMPL tokens will again be priced at 0.98 USD and the contribution currency will be BTC
  • Users who successfully contributed to the sale on the 6/13/2019 will not be eligible to contribute in this sale
  • The individual max cap is set at $500 equivalent BTC
  • The BTC/USD rate has been fixed at $12,600 USD
  • The 100k USD of AMPL tokens will be provided by the Ampleforth foundation, in addition to the previous 5m USD allocation


  • AMPL token unlock: Wednesday 26th June approximately 10:00pm UTC (dependent on Bitfinex & Ethfinex platform maintenance)
  • AMPL token last-chance token sale:  Thursday 27th June 09:00am UTC
  • AMPL token trading on opens on Bitfinex & Ethfinex: Thursday 27th June 11:00am UTC

Secondary Market Trading

Both AMPL/USD and AMPL/USDT pairs will be available for trading upon listing on Bitfinex and Ethfinex

The Ampleforth Protocol has unique elastic supply properties which will see the number of tokens in traders’ exchange wallets change, once per day, in line with the global supply of AMPL expansion and contraction. Ampleforth will communicate more details of when the once-daily supply change mechanism will begin.

Traders that have open orders in AMPL markets on Bitfinex and Ethfinex after the once-daily supply change event will not have those open orders amended. However, if they do not have the AMPL funds to cover the orders after the rebalancing event, then they will see their orders only partially filled if subsequently matched in the market.

In celebration of Ampleforth’s successful token sale on Tokinex, all traders can enjoy zero percent maker fees on both Bitfinex and Ethfinex AMPL trades for a period of three months following the secondary market listing

We’re working hard to continue the development of Ethfinex as the home of token trading, offering the most innovative solutions to keep our users in full control of their trading experience.  

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