ParaFi Capital & D1 Ventures buy NEC to join DeversiFi’s Community

We are delighted to announce that two well-known firms have joined the Nectar (NEC) ecosystem. Both projects have staked a total of $450,000 worth of NEC tokens into the necDAO to become active participants in the growth of the Nectar ecosystem.


  • ParaFi Capital and D1 Ventures purchased $450k of Nectar NEC tokens and staked them into the necDAO, taking a lead and participating in NEC governance
  • ParaFi have a comprehensive, proven track record being early stage in Aave, Curve, MakerDao, Compound, Synthatix and Kyber.
  • ParaFi and D1 are interested in DeversiFi due to DeversiFi’s unique layer-2 scalability and exchange platform offering which is poised to allow DeversiFi to surpass CeFi for order-book based exchange trading.

*For clarification, the recent CoinDesk article references that ParaFi Capital & D1 Ventures “invested” in DeversiFi. This is not true. Both projects have purchased NEC tokens to join the ecosystem.


As DeFi has grown exponentially over the past several months, there is heightened interest in self-custodial exchanges that can serve the needs of professional DeFi traders and funds. DeversiFi is one of the first self-custodial exchanges able to settle over 9,000 transactions per second on the Ethereum blockchain using the StarkWare Layer-2 scaling technology. This allows DeversiFi to offer serious traders all the cornerstones of profitable trading (liquidity, speed, privacy, low-fees and more) with the added advantages that come from self-custody (withdrawal-time-certainty, security & control).

ParaFi Capital is a DeFi-focused fund which has built a reputation of being early investors and active network participants in DeFi protocols such as Aave, Curve, MakerDao, Compound, Synthetix, and Kyber. They specialize in tokenomics as well as playing an active role in governance, including a proposal to expand MakerDao collateral types and monetary policy changes to fix the DAI peg, Aave’s Aavenomics, and Kyber’s Katalyst.

D1 Ventures is a vocal proponent of the open economy thesis and active investors in the DeFi and scaling technology space and providing strategic advisory service to portfolio companies. D1 also focuses on organic market growth via community outreach and education, helping to spread awareness of DeFi and its most valuable, credible and promising platforms.

“DeversiFi is a prime example of DeFi converging and surpassing CeFi. The platform accomplishes the best of both worlds; the same look, feel and performance of a large centralised exchange, while preserving the trust-minimized, privacy, and self-custody properties of a decentralized network. We’re looking forward to supporting DeversiFi as it continues to implement cutting edge zk-STARK layer 2 technology.” – Santiago Roel Santos, Partner at ParaFi

“The DeFi market has seen an explosion in AMM DEXs recently due to their ease of use for end users, low barrier of entry for LPs and new token listings, and various incentivized liquidity mining programs. However, AMMs are products born under Ethereum’s throughput constraints. As a result, they optimize for simplicity and low gas spending at the cost of LP’s impermanent losses and incomplete market information… Such setup is not attractive for sophisticated and institutional traders. We see huge potential for order book based DEXs built on Layer 2 scaling solutions to attract serious volume and liquidity from professional and institutional traders. Built with Starkware’s Validium and led by a team experienced in the crypto exchange space, DeverisiFi combines DeFi’s self-custodial and trustless properties with the infrastructure and business expertise to bridge CeFi liquidity.” – Cassandra Shi, partner at D1 Ventures

“We are looking forward to working with ParaFi Capital and D1 Ventures as we scale DeversiFi over the next 12 months. We see Nectar as being a powerful tool to reward DeversiFi customers and place governance firmly in the hands of Nectar holders. ParaFi and D1 Ventures are well positioned to advice on optimising Nectar token economics as well as playing a key role in building $NEC awareness and community as the DeFi space grows” – Ross Middleton, co-founder of DeversiFi

Both D1 Ventures and ParaFi have staked the majority of their NEC tokens into the necDAO to earn reputation (voting power) and play a key role in long term $NEC governance.

Onwards & upwards.

About DeversiFi

DeversiFi gives traders the edge in fast moving decentralised finance (DeFi) markets by allowing them to trade at lightning speed and with deep aggregated liquidity, directly from their privately owned cryptocurrency wallet.

Traders can take advantage of more trading opportunities while always preserving control of their assets for when they need to move fast. DeversiFi’s order-books are off-chain, but settlement occurs on the Ethereum blockchain. This means that traders benefit from fast moving order books and instant execution, without having to trust the exchange and whilst always maintaining control of their assets at all times.

For the first time, traders can enjoy all the benefits that they would expect from a legacy large centralised exchange, but with no exchange or counter-party risk.

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