Unlock Secure DeFi Opportunities

Discover the future of DeFi with rhino.fi, where security and trust are our top priorities. Our self-custodial Layer 2 wallet offers you complete control and privacy as you explore 500+ tokens across 6 major chains.

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Unlock DeFi's Full Potential

Yield, Swap, Bridge, and Trade all on rhino.fi





Our leaders

Meet the experienced team driving rhino.fi’s vision

Will Harborne

Co-Founder and CEO

As a Cambridge graduate with extensive experience in crypto, Will is the visionary force behind rhino.fi’s innovative DeFi solutions. Co-founding Zero Knowledge Validator, he actively champions privacy technologies and contributes to the broader crypto community.

Daniel Yanev

Co-founder and CPO

With a passion for exceptional user experiences, Dan leads rhino.fi’s UI and UX team, leveraging his background in operations at Bitfinex and Ethfinex. His diverse experience, including consulting for Newton Europe, drives his commitment to delivering a top-notch trading platform for users.

Ross Middleton

Co-Founder and CFO

Ross leads rhino.fi’s finance team while managing project partners and key customers, leveraging his extensive background in energy trading and experience at Ethfinex and Bitfinex. His wide-ranging expertise in asset trading and alternative finance strengthens rhino.fi’s position in the DeFi landscape.

Backed by the best

We’re proud to partner with some of the most disruptive names in crypto and DeFi.

A better way to do multi-chain

rhino.fi lets you glide between chains without complex bridges or network switches. And we’re totally self-custodial, so no matter where you go, you’ll keep full privacy and control of your funds.

500+ tokens on
4 major chains

All of the best opportunities. All in one place. Trade, swap and stake the hottest tokens on the biggest chains instantly and at the best price. Explore the best of DeFi all from your Layer 2 wallet.

Low fees, best prices.

Backed by the best

All the assets on
major chains

Explore all the best DeFi opportunities from one self-custodial layer 2 wallet. Stop searching, start seizing.

The world’s best DeFi aggregator

Non custodial

Your keys, your coins. Only you have access to the tokens you deposit to rhino.fi.

Earn large APY

Earn 19% APY on your stablecoins