Today we reveal the 12 tokens to choose from in our new token voting process.
Earlier this month we announced the return of the Ethfinex token vote, with a new process that increases fairness and transparency, and we believe will result in the best quality tokens being available to trade on our platform. (You can read about why we changed it here)
For the first time we have integrated the kleros.io curated registry process to bring equal opportunity in the chance to be listed, and to distribute quality control through the people who know this market the best – the traders. Every month, anyone across the Ethereum ecosystem can add tokens to the kleros.io registry, apply for an Ethfinex Badge (signifying they meet set criteria) and, if successful, are included within the token pool.
As we anticipate this pool to grow larger and larger over time, each month we will select 12 tokens through a random draw mechanism, to enter the official Ethfinex voting round. This removes a pain point from the last process of having too many tokens to make a meaningful, informed choice.
This period saw 34 tokens submitted, 11 challenged, and 14 tokens successfully completing the process unchallenged to gain a Community Approved badge.
Out of these 14 tokens, 2 were subsequently removed: 0x (already listed on the exchange) and IoTeX. As a final stage of due-diligence, our team double-checks that each eligible token meets a) the criteria and b) will remain tradable for a significant amount of time post listing (over at least 2 months). On this occasion, we identified a token that is scheduled to migrate over to main-net in less than one month making it non-ERC20 and currently unsuitable for Ethfinex. Removing this leaves us with 12 community-curated tokens for this round’s vote, and therefore no need for a random draw. The tombola machine will have to wait a month for its debut!
To learn more about this curation process head over to https://nectar.community/token-pool.
Without further ado, here are the tokens standing for your vote:
Fetch is a decentralised, Ai-enabled ecosystem comprising Autonomous Agents, an Open Economic Framework and Smart Ledger to conduct sophisticated economic activities.
Upfiring is a decentralised exchange for file-sharing that uses P2P and blockchain technology to incentivise seeders and downloaders with UFR tokens.
Tolar is a high through-put, community-governed, cryptocurrency allowing for fast, secure and publicly verifiable transactions.
Wibson is a decentralised data market-place empowering users with the tools and trust needed to securely sell their private data.
aXpire is a multi-purpose ERP SaaS platform catering to Funds, Businesses, Entrepreneurs and Consumers with a range of purpose-built blockchain solutions.
Airswap is a decentralised market-place allowing traders to connect and interact, wallet to wallet, conveniently and efficiently from their mobile or browser.
Managed and maintained by a decentralised community, Hydro comprises a DApp store and multiple smart-contracts allowing existing private systems to leverage the benefits of public blockchains.
Allows for the creation of distributed, self-governing organisations whilst facilitating their growth in the Ethereum ecosystem.
The FOAM ‘Proof of Location’ protocol for geospatial data markets allows users to build a consensus-driven, trusted map of the world by securing physical space on the blockchain.
Loom is a Layer Two solution using DPoS side-chains allowing for highly scalable blockchain games and DApps, with the security of the Ethereum network.
Scroll is a decentralised network built atop the Ethereum blockchain that uses peer to peer technology to enhance data security and privacy control.
Gnosis, a DApp on Ethereum, sets out to build a fully-fledged ecosystem, comprising a multi-sig wallet, Dutch Exchange as well as providing the infrastructure to create your very own prediction markets.
What next?
EVTs (Ethfinex Voting Tokens) have now been airdropped to holders of NEC on a 1:1 basis. These will become tradeable as of 26.03.2019 (today) and will be useable for voting on 02.04.2019 (next week). For more on how the value of EVT will be determined during the voting period head here.
As per the new process first outlined, this week will be dedicated to token education and will give our users the chance to learn about the projects vying for your vote.
This will include a series of video interviews and other educational content to help you make an informed decision.
To stay tuned head over to:
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