Just 24 Hours To Go!

There are just 24 hours until the Ampleforth sale opens on Tokinex.

If you have now completed BlockPass verification, you’ve successfully taken the first step to participating in this highly anticipated event. If not, there is still time to proceed through Blockpass here, but we recommend you act quickly for the best possible chance of obtaining verification in time.

Based on the volume of verified customers, and oversubscribed block-round, we are anticipating high demand tomorrow and have carefully designed the user experience to make the process as simple, and easy, as possible.

Check out the walkthrough video here:

We do, however, advise making yourselves familiar with the following steps to ensure you are fully prepared when the doors open at 11:00 UTC:

  1. IN ADVANCE – Make sure you have BTC in your Bitfinex or Ethfinex exchange wallet (not your margin or funding wallet). Contributions for Amples will be in Bitcoin and taken from exchange wallets only.
  2. Log into Tokinex well in advance of the sale start
  3. When the sale opens you will see a contribute button on the Tokinex Ampleforth page
  4. You will first be asked to download the Ampleforth purchase agreement and give permission for your KYC & AML details to be shared with the Ampleforth Foundation.
  5. You will then see a screen where you can choose how much BTC to contribute to the sale. You can contribute between the min and max individual cap.
  6. If the sale has already completed by this point you will receive an error message and will not be able to contribute.
  7. If successful you will see confirmation of your contribution and the corresponding Amples will be deposited to your exchange wallet within a few days.
  8. You will be able to top up your contribution if you have not already contributed your individual max cap.
  9. Your total BTC contribution amount will be shown on the Tokinex Ampleforth page, viewable by you only.
  10. For transparency, the progress of the Tokinex sale will be visible from when the sale opens, detailing total contributions in real time.

The BTC/USD rate has been fixed at $7973.26 at 11am UTC on Wednesday 12th June.

Due to overwhelming demand, we have reduced the max contribution from $10,000 to $5,000 (0.627 BTC) to facilitate greater participation.

If you have any outstanding questions please ask in the Ethfinex Telegram channel. We are excited to commence the first Tokinex sale with Ampleforth tomorrow. We do expect there to be high demand and so urge you to attend in plenty of time!

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