August 2020

ParaFi Capital & D1 Ventures buy NEC to join DeversiFi’s Community

We are delighted to announce that two well-known firms have joined the Nectar (NEC) ecosystem. Both projects have staked a total of $450,000 worth of NEC tokens into the necDAO to become active participants in the growth of the Nectar ecosystem. TLDR: ParaFi Capital and D1 Ventures purchased $450k of Nectar NEC tokens and staked

ParaFi Capital & D1 Ventures buy NEC to join DeversiFi’s Community Read More »

Karen And Chad’s First Aave Credit Delegation Loan

DeversiFi is proud to be the first DeFi project to help pioneer Aave’s innovative new Credit Delegation functionality. Credit Delegation allows DeversiFi to harness real world relations to access unsecured crypto-asset loans for use within the DeversiFi ecosystem, instead of needing to rely on expensive under-collateralized loans from legacy crypto lenders. How Credit Delegation works,

Karen And Chad’s First Aave Credit Delegation Loan Read More »

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